Scarf binding
The headwear is tied slightly differently in Nordby and Sønderho, and the beautiful profile achieved by wearing the scarf on top of the cap requires a special binding technique. In the video below, you can see how to bind it in a different way and how to bind it on yourself. In Sønderho, we create "sails" where the fold at the back of the head is pulled out like a sail, while in Nordby, pleats are made to achieve a look like a stern.
The ends of the scarfs (called “pjagger”) are tied in a particular manner on the head according to personal preference. It is said that in Sønderho, one could recognize different women from the same family in the street by the way their “pjagger” were tied.

Before the era of sailing ships on Fanø, which began after 1741, women wore the so-called "Vesterbo" costume, a peasant costume similar to the attire worn by women along the west coast and down to the River Eider. They wore a cap on their heads but no scarf. After 1741, the Fanø costume developed into the beautiful dress known today, and women began wearing a cap with ribbons tied around it on their heads.
In connection with the coronation of Emperor Napoleon on December 2, 1804, it is said that there was a strong wind blowing at a speed of 17-19 m/s. To protect the empress's and guests' elaborate hairstyles, all the women tied a scarf around their hair. This created a fashion trend throughout Europe and led to the tradition on Fanø of tying a scarf over the cap, completely concealing it, unlike the headwear worn by women along the rest of the West Coast. For practical reasons, a cloth was also tied around the neck in the same pattern as the headwear.