National Mill Day
The foundation "Fonden Gamle Sønderho" invites you to the National Mill Day, held every year on the third Sunday of June. The mill is open, and you can witness how it used to grind grain into flour.
The Mill Day is celebrated with music, songs, and dancing, and you can enjoy coffee/punch, pastries, beer, and water available for purchase.
Join us, preferably in traditional costumes, dancing shoes, and a joyful spirit, at Møllebanken (Vester Land 44).
Program for Danish Mill Day 2025 at Sønderho Mill Sunday, June 15th, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
The chairman of Fonden Gamle Sønderho will welcome everyone. There will be an opportunity to dance a Sønderhoning. We hope many will come dressed in traditional costumes to make the day even more festive. There will be samples of bread baked with Øland wheat milled at the mill, and as usual, you can buy Fanøkringel, coffee, punch, beer, and water. The sails will be set at the mill from 2:00 PM. If you would like to come in costume but do not have one, you can borrow one from Fonden Gamle Sønderho. Just contact us to make arrangements. Call Sofie Exner at mobile +45 21 79 35 79.
Per Hofman Hansen