Sønderho Mill
In 1928, the Gamle Sønderho Foundation acquired the gallery Dutch windmill, which was built in 1895. The mill, which was destined for demolition, has since been restored in stages and was inaugurated in its current form in 2003.
The mill's ingenious and simple construction is based on centuries of experience and is an impressive feat of balance.
The eight corner posts of the hull are fastened to the masonry of the lower mill. The mill cap with wings, axle, cap wheel, and fantail (“krøjeværk”) rests on 8 steel rollers that run on a rail at the top of the hull.

The Gamle Sønderho Foundation invites you to National Mill Day (Mølledag) on the third Sunday of June every year. See Events.
The mill is open, and you can see how the mill used to grind grain into flour. You can purchase flour that has been ground on the old millstone.
Mill Day is celebrated with music, singing, and dancing. Coffee/punch, Sønderho pastries, beer, and water are available for purchase.
We welcome you, preferably in costume, dancing shoes, and good spirits, at Møllebanken.
We will assist with scarf setting in the mill starting at 1 p.m.

The windmill in Sønderho was built in 1895 in the so-called "Dutch architectural style" as a grain windmill.
The mill building is octagonal with a masonry lower floor (undermill) and a wooden structure for the body and cap.
In addition to the lower floor, there are three floors - three ceilings - in the mill: a high grinding loft, a very low star wheel loft, and a cap loft, as well as the beam layer of the cap. At the height of the grinding loft, there is an external gallery - a platform, from which the miller had access to the sails and to operate the brake rope and adjust the sail flaps - the jalousie.
The wind rose - the small 8-winged wheel on the cap - ensures the automatic turning of the cap, so that the sails always face the wind.

Under a visit to Sønderho Mølle, you can purchase flour milled on the old stone grinder.
The renovation of Sønderho Mølle, enabling it to once again grind flour, has been supported by:
The mill is maintained by a group of volunteers in the Mill Guild.
In 1928, the artist Heinrich Dohm and journalist Niels Th. Jerne acquired Sønderho Mølle and Møllegård in advance for the foundation Gamle Sønderho, which was being established with the main purpose of preserving the mill.
Despite the mill being in operation for 28 years, a lack of maintenance had made it almost dilapidated, and significant restoration work was necessary to preserve it for future generations.
On Sønderho Day in 1930, the mill could be reinaugurated, although the windrose and the surrounding gallery were still missing. The foundation faced various challenges but eventually took over the mill, while Messrs. Dohm and Jerne kept Møllegården, where decay continued.
The barn had been demolished in 1923, and in a storm in 1935, the entire eastern end of the residential building collapsed because all partitions and posts had been removed in the stable. In 1937, the foundation also took over Møllegården, but as the task of converting it into a museum was insurmountable, the foundation chose to sell Møllegården in 1940.
On Sønderho Day in 1943, a newly installed gallery was inaugurated. Part of the funding for this restoration came from the sale of the crown drive, the main axle, the star wheel, and the milestone drive, all made of cast iron.
Since 1928, the Foundation Gamle Sønderho has maintained and continuously restored the mill. A significant help came in 1973 when Hedeman Sørensen, a deceased farmer in the USA and son of the last miller, bequeathed 100,000 DKK to the foundation, with the interest intended for the mill's maintenance.
Over the years, almost everything has been replaced or repaired, so the mill now appears intact and in good condition.
After the storm Bodil in 2013, the hat crown was crushed and had to be replaced. At the same time, one mill sail had to be replaced, and the winding mechanism had to be repaired.
The insurance company TopDanmark recognized the storm damage and paid for a new hat crown. The replacement of the mill sail and the repair of the winding mechanism were sponsored by Sydenergi's Vækstpulje and the Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen (SLKS).
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